Eugene Soler
Architect/ Installation Artist
Born 1977 Australian Architect and Installation artists, educated, Papua New Guinea and Sweden. Graduated from the School of Architecture, University of Newcastle, Australia in 2003. In 2010, while working as an architect in London, he graduated from the AA School of Spatial and Performance Design in London. In 2010, while working as an architect in London, he graduated from the AA School of Spatial Performance Design in London, and has since been based in Australia, London, and Japan.
He is currently working on various architecture and installation projects as well as an architectural mentor/ instructor at a prestigious architecture University in the Philippines
2019 The 54th Central Glass International
Architectural Design Competition,
Excellence Award
The 46th Nisshin Kogyo Architectural Design Competition, 3rd Prize, 2019
2010 Grand Prize, 44th Central Glass
International Architectural Design
2019 Kyoto Cultural Power Project 'Kyoto
Urban Wind Project, Kitayama Japan
2019 Nuit Blanche, Shirakawa, Kyoto Japan
2018 Naramachi Walking 'Naramachi
Projection', Nara Japan
2017 Incubator Pod, Ultimo Sydney, Australia
2013 Final Bloom, RIBA London
2012 Dark Room, Covent Garden, London UK
2012 Light Room, Covent Garden, London UK
2012 Fragile Tension, Teasmith Gallery,